(Oxophenarsine Hydrochloride Marpharsen, 195-, University Health Network - Academy of Medicine Collection)
Orvus-Mapharsen [alternate chemical for syphilis] proves to be a great treatment for gonorrhea, but not for syphilis and chancroid.
(2016, Slate)
Photo Description: A photograph of Frederico Ramos [left of picture], one of the patients and soldiers of the experiment.
" The injections came without warning or explanation. As a low-ranking soldier in the Guatemalan army in 1948, Federico Ramos was preparing for weekend leave one Friday when he was ordered to report to a clinic run by US doctors." ~ Matthew Walter [Left: Frederico Ramos Pictured Above]
(Oxophenarsine Hydrochloride Marpharsen, 195-, University Health Network - Academy of Medicine Collection)
Orvus-Mapharsen [alternate chemical for syphilis] proves to be a great treatment for gonorrhea, but not for syphilis and chancroid.
(201-, Pexels)
Penicillin is the winner for treatment regarding venereal diseases.
Data # by the U.S. Commisions of Bioethics
(2020, Mayogra & Perez)
Data by the U.S. Commissions of Bioethics
(2020, Mayorga & Perez)
It didn't help improve venereal science as Dr. Cutler never released the experiment's information. His work would be illegal according to the Nuremberg Code.
More so, communities became infected due to victims unknowingly transferring STIs. This led to their children having the same disease. It's estimated that more than 700 Guatemalans today, either offspring or the original victims, are infected from the study.
For those that get no medical treatment, they develop swollen lymph nodes, sharp pain, then eventual impairment of bodily functions.
The scientists found solutions to STIs but at the cost of many lives.